That's right I have finally checked a big thing off of my home improvement list. I got a new (to me) full sized couch. I have been wanting a larger couch since moving into my little house, but I had a few requirements that it needed to meet. It needed to be long enough for an adult to lay down and watch a movie (or nap) on, it needed to petite enough to fit in my 1940's living room and needed to have upholstery in good condition that I could live with for a while until I have the time/money/where with all to recover it. So this is what I found to finally give me that much needed 6th seat in my living room. A petite, but long enough for napping sunny yellow couch in great condition.
The facts of the find are these:
I actually saw the couch on Craig's List a few weeks before I bought it and thought it was cute, but I was trying to connect with a guy selling an amazing Pink 60's MCM couch. Sadly I was never able to actually see the couch, so I kinda gave up not only on that couch, but on getting a new one at all. Enter Labor Day Weekend, my girlfriends and I decided to grab breakfast and hit up a
weekly thrift sale in our area. While there my cousin Lydia spotted the couch and called me over. In real life it was a) cuter than in the CL posting b) the perfect size for my house and c) supper comfy to sit on. Great, sold! But it gets better, while I was pondering how I would get it home and what I would do with my old couch, one of the volunteers that run the sale came over and asked if I was interested in the couch when I told her I was thinking about it she disappeared to return moments later saying that because I couch had been there for a while they would take only $65 instead of the already reduced asking price of $85. Hummm sold again!

So I found away to get it home (a harrowing tale for another day), made space to temporarily store the old couch in my guest room and wrangled a brother to help me move both couches. Right away I knew that this couch was begging for lots of pillows, these are only place holders, but I think you get the idea. It fits perfectly along the wall, but as is always the case when you change one thing I expect that there will be some trickle down redecorating happening over the next few months.
Maybe you can identify a few of the things needed a tweaking in this shot with the chair and coffee table moved back into place. The only thing I really miss about having the old couch is the big shot of teal it brought into the room. I am defiantly going to need to bring more saturated colors into the space now that it is gone.
And now just for fun how about a little walk down memory lane of my time with my little free teal couch. Here she is in my pre-homeowner apartment days. This picture is from shortly after I moved in, note the lack of wall art and funky dorm room lamp. This was also in the days when I was in love with my wool shag rug, but for I knew that it was going to be like owning a pet that shed all over you and your house. Sign, but it is so cozy! Hummm this picture has me wondering if that coffee table is still in the basement of my old building (owned by my parents and aunt and uncle), I totally have a place for it in my current basement.
And finally here is a horridly bad picture of my living room before I moved the couch to the wall and with a really out of place bright red, orange and green painted that has been given a new home.
So what do you think? Good buy? Worth the 65 bones? Are you creeped out by used furniture? Do you love a good thrifting deal? Share and feel free to leave a link to a great thrifted find of your own, I love celebrating a good deal!