Oh I've been wanting to share this little find with you for a while, but I never seem to remember to snap pictures. So finally here it is bathed in shattery afternoon sun. When I was doing my
100 Things purge a month and a half ago I came across this little box deep in the folds of a half finished crochet blanket. See that basket of yarn I got rid of came from my Grandma and I had never looked in it, just shoved it in a closet, but I wanted to keep the basket for a future project so I emptied it and all the way at the bottom was this little box.

I could tell right away that the top slid open. Inside I found a stash of vintage crochet hooks. It was then that I saw the little slit running along the top of the hidden compartment.

Slide it open and what do we have, another compartment (filled to the brim with hooks!). There is something so fun about vintage craft supplies and storage/organization. Isn't is cute? Do you have any fun vintage craft supplies?
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