Okay I think I might be to blame for the snow that keeps coming and coming. You see I have yet to take down the paper snowflakes in my dining room window. So I'm sorry, very sorry and it is making me sad. But to make up for it I've put together a little list of things that are making me happy!
1. Sun shine! Sun Sun Sun - we may have snow on the ground, but the sun is shining bright today.
2. The fact that my dad has added an 8 track player to his
stereo set up - if you have a song you are dying to hear on any format come on over to my parents house, they will most likely have the device needed to play it.
3. This candle that I picked up at Target that smells like spring - I think the sent is called green grass, but I'm not sure.
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - When ever I have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong I think of this story, so I picked this book up at Border's on sale last week with the idea that I would pack it away to give as a gift, but after reading it again I think I'm going to keep it.
5. Crocheting tiny baby sweaters - I have a few half finished sweaters I look forward to sharing in the next few weeks.
6. A very interesting bio of Edith Head I have been reading - you can find it
here. I don't really know why I am so interested in her story, but I am.
This flickr photo stream - mostly the vintage car ad ones.
8. Random texts from my brother James - I like when he messages me silly pop culture facts he thinks I should know.
9. That the
Kratts Creatures Guys are still on TV - the new show seems to be mostly in cartoon, which might be a good thing as those guys are not at all as cute as I
remember them being.
10. Having lots and lots of cousins - I love that I can talk about books and garden gnomes with half a dozen of them on
facebook, plus sit by a few more at church as we all become smitten with a totally way to cute baby at church, and have hang around my mom and dads sunny Library on a
Sunday afternoon with another. What do people do without lots o' cousins!