I have fallen head over heals in love with
Downton Abbey. I watched every episode of this great British (I think it is an ITV show not a BBC show) program. This aired in the US on PBS this past winter, but I don't receive broadcast television so I had to wait and watch it on Netflix streaming. If you love
Gosford Park,
Remains of the Day or well just about any Brit movie that takes place in time leading up to either WWI or WWII set in a large country home of a crazy rich (or as is often the case once rich) important family, you will love this show.

The show follows the Crowley family and their many servants over a few years starting with the sinking of the Titanic and how their lives are changed forever by it. I don't want to give to much away, but here are a few reasons why I love it so much.

I adore the relationship between Lady Mary and her father's heir Cousin Matthew. I don't think I have wished for two fictional characters to get together so badly since
Elizabeth and
Darcy or
Jo and Laurie.

Their relationship is made extra tricky because he stands to inherit not only her fathers title and the family estate, but also all of her mother's inheridenace. So Mary of course has to hate him and everyone else has to want them to get married. Sigh I so hope that she an ending fitting of all Austen's women she gets to marry for Love and Money! (PS if you start watching and you hate her and think no no no cousin Matthew should totally marry Edith, do not be fooled Edith is the worst and Mary gets better.)

His hair is so cute.

I'm also totally invested in the maybe relationship between Mr Bates and Anna the head house maid. I want them to have a happy ending so badly. She is the sweetest and he is oddly noble.

Oh and please you know I'd be crazy about the clothes. I don't even really like horses and have never been interested in hunting, but I would be the first in line if people still dressed like this when they went hunting on horse back.

Even the maids change like two or three times a day. Which makes you wonder why old houses (even large ones) have such small closets.

Lord and Lady Bampton are so cute here. I actually really like their story, you can totally see why they work and why they both feel the way they do about the Mary issue.

Lady Sybil with her daring "new frock".

The sisters wear a lot of blues and purples. I love Edith's short hair.

The dresses from that era are flattering. The girls garden party dresses seem both light and airy.

This is the house used for the exterior shots, I think it is also used for the rooms where the family lives. As a girl from the mid-west that has always made the Great Lakes state my home I find myself a little amazed that not that long ago this was the home of one family (and the 20+ people in their employ).
All and all I can not recommend this show enough, it is so my style.
Elizabeth, you can buy this on Amazon.com.
ReplyDeleteI saw it yesterday. :)
It's in my library queue. I can't wait!