In my family we call it "The Christmas Spirit" and it is treated like some mystical element a lighting on us or our homes sometime after Halloween and before Christmas Day, it is when you switch from feeling like Christmas is a chore to seeing it as something to be enjoyed. Sometime it hits you right away and other years you might not see it until the 11th hour. It is that thing that inspires the random singing of carols as you take out the trash or shampoo your hair, its that jolly feeling that makes you want to just hop into a store and look for a gift for your mom, or that glee that fills your heart when you hang ornaments on the tree. I'm a big fan of The Christmas Spirit and really want to share it with you, so just think of this as my little Friday afternoon germ spreading hoping you all get the Christmassy bug.
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Yes! The Christmas spirit is exactly what you described. And it sometimes comes out of nowhere, when all is said and done. Thanks for sharing these words of wisdom. Merry Christmas to you!!