Thursday, March 12, 2015

Live: In Late Winter

I know spring is coming because the light is changing, the low winter sun is giving way to brighter beams. I know spring is coming because the scent of hyacinth welcomes you as you enter the grocery stores. I know spring is coming because the snow is getting soft in a way that means the earth will soon be warmer. I know spring is coming because the river is flowing a little quicker than it was only days ago. I know spring is coming because it takes twenty minutes to make it through the line at the car wash. I know spring is coming because I want to throw open my windows and fill my house with fresh air.

But mostly I know spring is coming because I'm finally ready to let go of winter. I'm ready to pack away the snow and cold for another day, a day a long ways off one that follows new growth and hot sun, a day that comes only after thunderstorms and new school supplies, a day when finally I'll step outside and sniff the wind and think to myself: I know winter is coming I can smell it in the air!

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