The first change you will see is one in the way that I label my posts. You will now find before and afters under the new label "change". And I think even more exciting I will be looking for help from you. I hope to share a before and after every week this year, but there is no way I'm going to be able to do it alone. That is where you my friends will come in, I am going to be looking for you to send me shots of your great before and afters so I can share them with the rest of the blogging world. Look for before and afters on Mondays.

The "live" label is really my idea of a hodge podge grouping of anything I find interesting or worth sharing, encompassing the old "inspiration" and "now you know" labels among others. These posts should show up on Tuesdays.

Wednesdays post will be from the "find" category. This is where you are going to find things like esty or ebay items, things I have found in my own brick and mortar searches. Once again I'd love to have input from any reader who has found something good!

Thursdays will be all about link love with the "share" posts.

Finally on Friday I am going to share from the "make" department of Building Something Good. Check here for pics of things I am making DIY's and links to cool projects.

There will also be a few special categories popping up from time to time that will be added to the side bar. The first is "read" where I will post each month about one of the books from my list of 12 books I must read in 2011.
In closing I thought I'd share the inspiration for the name of this little blog: From the poem "Hey Love" by Linford Detweiler (of the band Over the Rhine)
"Lets build something good we can't see with our eyes, and be surprised when it's our turn to die, realizing we actually did most of the stuff we truly care about. Gave ourselves permission to be curious. Actually became the people we were born to be."
Brilliant ideas :)