Dear blog readership (ummm Hi Lydia!),
Long time no post!
This has nothing to do with house stuff. I have no new pictures as my camera charges has not been unearthed. In the mess of boxes that are living in my basement. There have been many thrilling things happening around the little house though, I will not gross you out with the details, but lets just say that I have added a sewer and drain guy to my ever growing list service people. If you are ever in need of Sewer work I highly recommend Reed's Sewer and Drain in Ypsilanti!

Other than still finding homes for all my belongings and spray painting picture frames and not mowing my lawn to my shame. I have been doing a lot of crocheting and watching netflix. Crocheting is my true crafting love, I have been mostly working on baby sweaters these days (sorry no pictures see camera problem stated above), but I thought I'd show off some blanket from days gone by. I made both of these for babies born last fall, the top image is of a pattern I made up (and didn't right down so I now have know idea what I did) and was for my cousin Maggie's son Topher. The second is a slightly modified version of a pattern from
Vintage Crochet a wonderfully inspiring book for anyone who enjoys yarn craft, it was a gift for my darling niece Evie. So just a little note to say hello and I am looking forward to more posts soon.
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