Last weekend I was working on putting together a little grouping of family pictures for my office (or maybe I'll keep them at home I don't know yet). One of the chosen ones was of my fathers mother (who passed away long before my birth) and his fathers sister from there days as college roommates. It has this wonderful old photo look, I would guess it was taken some time in the late 30s. It has this great feeling of otherness to it. Then I found this wonderful little site and have found I can create my own snippets of otherness to leave behind. I stumbled across it a few days ago (I wish I could remember where as to give them credit) and I have been having great fun with it.

It take photos from this (pardon my puffy eyes this was taken late at night):
To This:
I think it looks so much more dreamy. I've been messing around with tons of photos and this program. Not every picture transfers well. I found that some come out far to dark to be usable.
Here is the link:
You may need to set it to English in the upper right hand. Enjoy playing around with your own pics!